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[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation


[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第1张



[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第2张
“Vaygren: Lustful Temptation” is an erotic interactive visual novel with gorgeously animated cutscenes and stunningly beautiful fantasy women. The Vaygren universe is filled with rich characters and a stunning world that unfolds around you. You’ll be meeting, flirting, frolicking, and fighting alongside characters you meet along the way in this high stakes fantasy adventure. But, be careful. You just might fall in love, and that’s never good for a loner like Nyx.

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第3张

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第4张
Vaygren, a fantastical world, filled with memorable women and nations constantly at war… at least until Alees used her might and magic to unify the world. The great Queen Alees will do whatever necessary to keep her peace!

Rebellion is on the rise! The renowned general Solara sends Nyx, an ambitious and proud Nekomata under her command, to investigate possible rebellious activities and eliminate them. Nyx graciously eagerly accepts the assignment, although she’s less than thrilled to find that her team for the mission consists solely of newbie cadets fresh out of training. Even so, her ambition won’t let her turn down the assignment. And besides… there are perks to being in command of an entire squad of hotties, and Nyx never could turn down a hot piece of tail.

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第5张

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第6张
Nyx is the newly appointed command leader of a young group of cadets, and having been born a Nekomata, often considered a weaker species, has fought hard to convey to others she is more than capable to lead them. Although leading them on what should be a simple mission may prove more problematic than Nyx could predict.

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第7张
Yvain is stoic, calm, hardworking, and one of the very few dark elves left on Vaygren. All Yvain’s hard work and beauty has definitely gained the attraction of the Queen. Will this attention go to her head and can she continue to focus on training and the mission? Or perhaps it will distract her and bring the rest of the squad down with her.

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第8张
Cassidy is brash, outgoing and reckless. She also just happens to be another very rare dark elf and exceptionally jealous of Yvain. Joining Nyx’s squad gives her another opportunity to demonstrate her superiority over Yvain. Now if only she could keep her head on the mission rather than booze and lucky ladies.

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第9张
Ra’Ga is originally from Thalmia, but ran away from troubles at home to join the Army, despite the difficulties and discrimination against the non-Elf and non-Vaymen races in the Royal army. She’s not thrilled about returning to her hometown on her newest assignment with Nyx’s squad.

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第10张
Phylla is a caring and thoughtful newly graduated recruit in the army. Recently assigned to Nyx’s squad for her first mission she plans on giving it the same care and consideration she does her cooking and training. She might have started her military training late, but excelled thanks to her knowledge of field medicine and, er, other assets.

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第11张
Rheen is known for her energy and enthusiasm, as well as her passion for justice and making the world a better place, something not often found in the army's usual recruits. She is quite excited to be assigned to Nyx's squad for her first mission. Wherever Rheen goes, her best friend, Snookums, is never far behind..

[240517](ENG)Vaygren – Lustful Temptation 游戏 第12张
HD 1080p & fullscreen option
5 Character Routes
Fully voiced animated cutscenes
13 Animated Erotic CGs
Original Soundtrack and Audio

HD 1080p & fullscreen option
5+ character routes
Fully voiced animated cutscenes
40+ Animated Erotic CGs
20+ Illustrated events
CG Gallery
Scene Selection
Original Soundtrack and Audio
Future content planned

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